Excited and terrified at 62 to be running my first 100 mile race at the Vermont 100 in 2 weeks!!!!!

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While sad to defer from my race later this month, I’m actually excited to give myself this season to slow down. This has already mentally began to release the pressure I was putting on myself and embrace a period of mobility and strength to rebuild.

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Embracing this new chapter (new job, new love interest, new energy, new training) and allowing myself to know I’m worth all of the joy

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A few days ago I texted 3 good girlfriends, each of whom I know from a completely different stage of life. They’ve never met each other. On the surface, the one thing we all have in common is going through a tough divorce in recent years. I asked if they would be interested in a girls trip - because yes, we are all young women having gone through this hard thing, but also because I believe it will be an incredible group of powerful, badass, brilliant women who can empower, inspire and uplift each other in magnificent ways. They each gave an immediate, resounding, unmitigated “hell yes!” and I am seriously SO excited to get together this group of friends who haven’t met yet!

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I’m excited to use the summer to reset some healthy habits and declutter!

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I am excited about new diy projects around my house- being able to put in hard work to transform my space little by little 💕

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I’m excited to add our new born baby to our family of four. Three year old twin tots welcomed home their baby sister on Saturday :) looking forward to being and staying present for my three babes during this transition period.

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I'm so excited for baby sea turtles! Im a marine biologist on the east coast and it's almost time for them to start hatching! It's my first year full time with the program (I was seasonal from (2018-2021) and it's so cool to get to this point where things are coming full circle

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Hi Emily,

Thank you for this great newsletter. It's so relevant to me. I'm currently excited about getting a new job even though it's not on the horizon yet but I am clearly foreseeing it. I as well overexcited about move to a new gorgeous home in August. Yay!!! Let's go 👏💪🥳🤩

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Celebrating another year of life. Just booked an international trip for my 40th birthday!

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I was gatekeeping my own joy for a recent promotion at work. I was waiting for the effective date, because what if the promotion doesn’t get approved, how will this affect my lifestyle, or all my anxiety of what if I fail at doing this new role? But sure enough, I was able to share with loved ones and they reminded me how hard I have worked for this promotion, with words of encouragement and much joy from everyone I accepted the promotion and while still working on some of my anxious thoughts, I am ready to take on the challenge.

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I’m Excited to start choosing my own joy-it’s something I promised myself I’d do after a rocky year and with summer in full swing I’m choosing my days for me and blocking out social media and societal expectations of what I “should” be doing :)

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I’m really excited about my half marathon towards the end of July! I’ve enjoyed running so much it has become a part of my life and I really miss it when I go for extended periods of time without a run.

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Starting marathon training for my second marathon! My first didn’t go as I had planned so excited to give this another go and taking all the inspo from you!

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I’m excited for summer. I’m a school counselor and for the first time in a long time I am taking the summer to focus on myself and my personal goals that I neglect during the school year. Getting back to running, taking care of my home and spending time with friends and family are priorities I can really focus on for the next 2 months and hopefully into this upcoming year.

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I'm excited to be buying my first home soon with my fiance. We have been together for 6 years and I moved to a mountain town in Colorado so we could put an end to long distance (we did 3 years of it). We've built such a wonderful life here together in Colorado and I can't wait to start the next chapter of our life together.

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